π–π„πˆπ’π’ β€” primary.
fandomless original character

i. basics.

name. weiss (?)
nicknames. wizard of orestes, manipulator of space and time, devourer of knowledge, champion of the timeless.
age. ageless, appears to be in his early 30s.
birthday. march 18th.
gender. trans man, he/they.
sexuality. homosexual.
class. wizard.

ii. appearance.

eyes. lavender purple.
skin. pale.
hair. wavy grey, goes to his shoulders, usually tied up.
height. 5'5"ft. / 167cm. wears heels to appear 5'7"ft. / 170cm.
form. slim and gangly.
clothing. a pirate shirt with integrated woven lavender under a white corset, alongside a long, purple skirt that reaches his ankles. white heels. golden adornments.
details. an abundance of golden jewelry across his entire outfit, including snakebites. two spellbooks strapped to either side of his hips. his arms and legs fade into a sickly black colour.
language. weiss is non-verbal and uses sign to communicate.

iii. personality/history.
(trigger warning: human experimentation.)

when weiss was recruited for orestes at a young age, he believed it to be for the betterment of wizardry and science. nowadays, their words and promises are blurry and muffled, his memories hazy as to how he spent his days there, what hand he had in the horrors of the organization. part of the council, albeit of a lower rank than some of the others, part of it was his responsibility.

orestes, for the most part, took part in human experimentation in the name of necromancy. dabbling in other areas, such as shapeshifting powers, super strength or healing wasn't out of the question, but at the end of the day they always ended up at the same goal: prolonging their lifespan as much as possible, by means of reincarnation.

jiao was his first real subject. when he left training, he was ready to face the worldβ€” only for it to fall into shambles once he was assigned a human being, somebody to experiment on, somebody to take advantage of. seeing her in an unspeakable state, torn apart from ages of experimentation, it changed something in weiss. instead of complying, he decided to study on his own.

retreating into his lab, his goal was to improve to the point of dismantling orestes. experimenting on himself rather than on others, weiss was ready to tackle the organization he grew up in head-on. however, eventually, one of his spells went haywire. it took his focus, his ability to remember, and weiss forgot everything he set out to do.

so, he stayed.

his lab became his home. years of experimentation left him without the necessities of life. he didn't need to eat, to drink, to breathe, to sleep. and, ironically, he figured out how to prolong his lifespan without needing to reincarnate, sacrificing his own status as a human being to be able to learn more, study more, gain more knowledge. his drive remained, despite forgetting why he had it in the first place.

he doesn't know why they didn't hunt him down, or what ended up happening to jiao, his only friend. he doesn't remember who they are and that he should know. nothing is permanent and everything is moving and all that remains is his need to learn. he doesn't think about anything else, continuing to experiment on himself without any care for his own health or survival.

only for, later rather than sooner, jiao's reincarnation to discover him. when she asks him his name, he doesn't know it and, looking in a nearby mirror, goes for the first thing he notices: weiss, white, the colour of his hair. neither of them remember, at first, but both of them feel drawn to each otherβ€” and jiao leads him back into the world of the living, introducing him to life as we know it. there, he remains.

iv. powers and their ramifications.

i. time magic. weiss primarily focuses on magic that can influence time and reality. travelling back and forth in time repeatedly left him with arms and legs that appear to be rotting. they ache and break easily, and he often has to rest them.

ii. lightning magic. weiss dabbles in lightning magic. an overuse of this resulted in most of his veins being visible, being an intense purple colour.

iii. reality magic. while this is a craft weiss is still perfecting, he's able to shapeshift a limited amount. he's also travelled between different realms of reality, which is part of the reason for his memory loss. he often doesn't know where he is or what he's doing.

v. verses.

i. the gods we can touch. weiss' main verse, taking place in any timeline, while he's still living in his lab but taking part in everyday life again. he's rather isolated and often outlandish, obsessed with continuing his studies, but starts seeking out relationships with other people. he still experiments on himself.

ii. blood in the wine. weiss' verse for when he was a part of orestes. a teenager with no sense of what's right and wrong, weiss is intent on proving himself.

iii. you keep me crawling. weiss' fire emblem: three houses verse. weiss was hired from a private school within the kingdom of faerghus and acts as an occasional teacher in garreg mach, mainly teaching seminars on reason and authority. unbeknownst to both him and the monastery, he was once a member of those who slither in the dark. before he could take part in the experimentations on house ordelia, however, he was hit by one of his own gone haywire spells, eradicating his memories and turning him into an amnesiac. those who slither in the dark helped him with achieving the position he’s in now, hoping to eventually exploit him for their own means. weiss also teaches seminars on signing so that the students at garreg mach can actually understand him. he’s younger in this verse, around 25 years old. his appearance is a result of him experimenting on himself when he was still a member of those who slither in the dark, giving him a minor crest of indech that he’s unaware of. nowadays, he only experiments with magic, and only on himself.

𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐋 β€” secondary.
from fire emblem: awakening

i. basics.

name. gangrel.
nicknames. the former mad king of plegia.
age. in his late 30s.
birthday. 16th of the lone moon / 16th of march.
gender. cis man, he/him.
sexuality. pan.
class. trickster.

ii. appearance.

eyes. cherry red.
skin. brown.
hair. cherry red, slicked back.
height. 5'9"ft. / 180cm.
form. tall, gangly.
clothing. a yellow trickster outfit with thigh-high boots and a fluffy ruff around his neck, alongside a golden crown upon his head.
details. smudged eyeliner and black lip gloss. long, pointy fingernails, painted black. a gruesome scar going down his sternum.

iii. personality/history.

born to a former member of nobility, gangrel grew up a beggar within the nation of plegia. as a child, he and his mother witnessed the worst of the war between ylisse and plegiaβ€” as the exalt set out to eliminate the grimleal from plegia, its citizens weren't left unharmed. eventually, gangrel's mother fell victim to a raid within their village, leaving him to fend for himself, bitter and afraid.

and afraid he remained, even as he managed to climb his way up the ranks, eventually ascending as plegia's new "mad king". fear is what drives most of gangrel's actions, as he decides that the threat of walhart, currently conquering the continent of valm, is too large to ignore. to prepare for this threat, his plan is to unite ylisse, plegia and regna ferox and he does the first thing that comes to mindβ€” trying to initiate a war between the nations.

brutal and bloodthirsty as he is, gangrel doesn't shy away from death and destruction to reach his goal, even within his own troops. he doesn't care about the bloodshed he causes, losing himself in the thrill of war, mocking those who disagree with his stance. he seems to find joy in the violence of it all, harboring hatred for most everything, even his own people.

his actions eventually end in the death of ylisse's current exalt, emmeryn. elated at first, but mistaken shortly after, gangrel's soldiers start deserting him, persuaded by emmeryn's sacrifice, questioning the righteousness of this war. he's forced into a last stand at the border wastes, alongside the little amount of loyal soldiers he has left, and is struck down by chrom, emmeryn's sister.

but, he does not die. the war is over and the king is beaten, but he survives the attack, fleeing the battlefield unnoticed. broken and defeated as he is, gangrel ends up working for zanth, a pirate terrorizing the south of ylisse. there, he's discovered by the shepherds, a husk of his former self. after plenty of persuasion and chrom's refusal to kill him right then and there, despite gangrel begging him for death, he joins them in the fight against grima.

gangrel is not exactly a changed person from this point forward, but he does show remorse for what he's done. realizing his own faults and dreading the blood on his hands, he wallows in self-pity, wondering just how he's going to make it up to the world. how many people has he killed? how many families has he torn apart? his crimes seem to large to ever overcome, and gangrel knows this.

it's the welcoming nature of the shepherds that inspires him to move forward, start thinking about what he's going to do after the war. if there's a nation left to rule, he wants to return to plegia. ruling it as a just leader this time, not a bloodthirsty, violent, mad king. he has a long way left to go, but he's willing to take the steps to get there.

(ππŽπ“π„: gangrel is a bad person. he's done horrible things and he'll most likely continue doing horrible things one way or another. while redemption is what he's striving for, it's not guaranteed or expected. your muse does not need to forgive him and is more than allowed to despise him as much as they wantβ€” he deserves nothing less.)

iv. verses.

i. the dead king's lament. gangrel's main verse for any events taking place after his defeat. he's part of the shepherds, showing first signs of remorse for his brutal rule, trying to find redemption.

ii. a king's riches. gangrel's verse for any events taking place before his defeat, ruling plegia as the mad king.

π†π€ππ‘πˆπ„π‹π„ 𝐃'π€ππ†π„π‹πŽ β€” primary.
fandomless original character

i. basics.

name. gabriele d'angelo.
nicknames. gabby, gabe.
age. 26.
birthday. january 28th.
gender. nonbinary, they/them.
sexuality. queer.

ii. appearance.

eyes. ivy green.
skin. pale.
hair. a black wolf cut with bleached strands around their neck. they dye them every few weeks with all kinds of different colours.
height. 5'6"ft. / 169cm.
form. chubby.
clothing. a black t-shirt with netted sleeves alongside black cargo pants. spiked leather wristbands on each hand. combat boots with heels.
details. chains and silver jewelry all over. pierced ears. a septum and eyebrow piercing above their left eye. a sternum piercing. dark make-up, smudgy eyeshadow with eyeliner and black lipstick.

iii. personality/history.

ππ€π‘π“πˆπŒΓ„π”π’ β€” primary.
fandomless original character

i. basics.

name. bartimΓ€us (pronounced bart-e-maus).
nicknames. bart, barti, may-may.
age. eternal, around 4000 years, appears as 30.
birthday. they have no birthday.
gender. nonbinary, they/them.
sexuality. lesbian.

ii. appearance.

eyes. their right eye is chocolate brown, their left eye is a blinding yellow.
skin. tan.
hair. ashy blonde, tied into a ponytail that reaches their tailbone.
height. 6'5"ft. / 195cm.
form. tall, gangly.
clothing. an open suit jacket over a black bralette. matching pants. an eyepatch over their left eye.